Thursday, 13 October 2011

Focaccia attempt #1

Last Week 


都算係同一個Family 啦,  味就一定有唔同架啦, 點油點醋搭救

Sunday, 9 October 2011


看著它們, 不知為何有一種魔力, 令我心動


Friday, 7 October 2011

Field Trip Report September

Brunch Club & Supper
話說O個日O岩O岩先去完Habitu既咖啡班, 一上完就走去食

一入去既感覺: 好逼, 好嘈, 好似飲茶, 我明係要搵錢, 但係真係嘈丫ma
野食: 有圖有真相

這個Egg benedict的荷蘭汁只有牛油味同埋牛油味, 就如拍一大舊牛油入口, 你中意食牛油既(好似我咁成舊隊既),未會中意食LOR

但係個muffin 底好正

 奄列, err未就係奄列lor, 就係一個奄列應該係點佢就係點lor, 唔識講, 反而我中意個包

類似full breakfast既野, 早餐其實好正, 都係一個個Item分開整, 又唔駛話佢地夾唔夾, individual樣樣好食, err, 其實就係煮熟佢(當然樣樣野點整得好食個Technique都唔同), 好好搵


#2 Crema @ 尖沙咀

Openrice 評價好好

就去試下, 朱古力蛋糕 , 冇咩特別, 同埋佢用硬身朱古力做隔層同頂, 切起上黎食好麻煩

另外仲有意粉同pizza, 不過係比較失望, pizza係買番黎, 意粉就過林, 汁就係一堆cream

野食唔同佢計較啦, 其實最緊要係杯咖啡, 平時淨係飲cappuccino既我為左佢既latte art去飲latte, 

有貓有兔仔, 未飲都加哂分

加上佢地都好飲, 比18 grams 同上面O個間好,


#3 Linguini Fini



意大利flatbread, 食完我想自己整, 好好食, 又有脆,又熱, 簡簡單單好好食.

Auther Ave, Linguini with Clams 
用fresh pasta, 下面個清湯其實幾油, 但係好香. 多油就香架啦, 但係佢有意大利既感覺

水牛芝士茄子, 用左D脆野包住, 唔知係唔係炸到咁, 不過好咸咸咸咸咸咸

Carbonara, lee個意粉就冇咁彈, 係就係冇咁cream既漏,但係又少左種carbonara既感覺, 不過都係好食既

Fazzoletti “Nose to Tail Bolo”意大利正方形意粉配豬肉醬‧小牛與牛尾蕃茄醬 , 個名好長, 其實就好似一塊塊布咁, 茄醬酸酸地但係好濃, 又有O個一下kick等你會係咁食落去, 我覺得好正

仲未食夠啦一定, 甜品

Tiramisu , 玩野既tiramisu, 蛋糕底cheese中間雪糕o係頂 , 唔用朱古力粉, 用朱古力糖, 我覺得佢係分子料理左架啦 食得左傳統野玩玩佢其實真係冇咁悶

Ananas straciatella

上次去完意大利, 學到既意大利文 1.ananas=菠蘿, 係咁多, 後面我都唔知係咩
餐牌話係雞蛋奶泡, 好輕,食緊冇野咁lor. 

蝕左, 應該試佢個hot chocolate affogato, O岩O岩睇先知佢係招牌野, 又做唔夠research 啦, 唔緊要, 一定有下次!

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

The never fail brownies

May be it is one of the easiest thing to make, and would never fail, unless you push this too far

Traditional Brownies

Dark chocolate 250g and BUTTER 150g in the same bowl and steam until melted on low heat.

Another bowl, beat 4 eggs with 160g sugar (roughly), stir in 60g flour, and then may be some coco powder 2 or 3 table spoon(optional), but then needa add a little bit more sugar if coco powder added. just beat them with a balloon, then pour the chocolate mixture into it, mix it well and bake at 190 degree.

Cant reli tell how long you should bake it, depends how thick you want it to be, for 2 cm tall brownies, 10 minutes in the oven should be enough, if you are not sure it could always be tested it will a toothpick, the same old thing, if it doesn't stick to it, then it is done.

Nuts could be added to the brownies, but remember to lightly roast it (and coat it with honey) before put into the mixture.

Better to chill it before serve, could be serve with clotted cream, or mascaprone cream.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Coffee cupping class

Venue: Cafe habitu, or cafe 白必圖

事源番工好拿悶既時候, 見到YAHOO style 文章 唐樓上的意式咖啡學院

神心地報左星期日晨咁早既mini cupping class


我第一個到, 樓上一個人都冇, 冇野做影下相



上堂人齊都人六個人, 其實幾O岩一堆朋友包左一班自己上, 可能仲會比較放D同比較敢問問題

成個地方就係一個人講, 一個O係後面準備咖啡

首先又係簡單介紹下, cupping就好似人地去試紅酒咁, 用最簡單既方法去沖一杯咖啡, 通常都係會用french press, 因為french press is no more then 將D粉浸熱水之後等等等, cupping 主要係可以由幾個方面去分析一杯咖啡, 分別係

  • BODY


  1. Latin America
  2. Asia Pacific
  3. Africa
同一個產區既豆就好似同一個呀媽咁, 會有佢地既基本特性, 但係同一個呀媽生D仔都可以唔同樣, 分別受環境呀種植方法O個D影響, 所以呢, 要講到咁, 就可以話lee個世界係唔會有2杯相同既咖啡 (er, 都唔係既你沖左一杯之後倒開兩杯未得lor)

cupping 既次序都好緊要, 就好似食野咁, 由淡味食到重味
最淡既係 latin america -->asia pacific -->africa

先飲 costa rica, 由聞開始, 成日聽到D人講咩花香, 泥土, smoky. 其實唔係真係聞到O個一樣既味, 只係一種感覺, 例如花香咁, 唔係真係有花味, 其實只係一種淡淡地, 清新既感覺 (都唔知作出黎D人諗咩,係唔係用黎昆人,等D人以為自己個鼻真係咁差)

Aroma example

  • 花香--> Refreshing
  • Smoky-->煲燶左, 有煙呀!!! 
  • Earthy --> 就好似食泥咁lor, 泥土味ma

聞完之後就係slurp, 即係輕輕咁sip 一下, 點解, 因為你杯野仲係好熱

Body就係O個一啖O係條利既感覺, 可以係light/heavy, 其實就係淡/濃既簡單D講

Acidity就係酸度lor, 又唔係擺凍左O個隻(擺凍左乜都酸, 因為咖啡入面有丹寧酸,放得耐就會愈黎愈多你就覺得杯野好難飲, ) 係佢自己本身

acidity 又有可能會俾AROMA 影響到, 例如如果係比較smoky 既, 明明係同一樣酸飲落會覺得冇咁出. 特別一提就係asia pacific 既豆通常酸度都係好低

Flavour 就係一啖O拍落去o係喉嚨feel到既味道  同aroma一樣 D名又係昆人


  • 朱古力(仲有得分milk同dark) -->其實又係感覺 (sweet, smooth, sticky)
  • Nuts -->所謂既nutty flavour, 通常aroma smoky就會中
  • Herbs -->涼茶味

最後就係After-taste, 就係D味可以留到O係個口度幾耐, 通常都係同杯咖啡body有關, strong d既通常就會留得耐, 但係奇怪既係今日試左杯 Uganda- africa, africa豆after-taste應該係會比較長,但佢係完全一飲完個味就唔見左, 好神奇


Sunday, 4 September 2011


Suddenly hv a thought,,,,,what about "Lazy" or "The Lazy" as our cafe's name LOLLLLLLLLL.....

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

The never success puff pastry

看似簡單的puff pastry, 睇食譜睇片覺得好簡單, 其實可以整死人

面對住千千萬萬個recipe, 都唔知邊個係堅, 邊個係流

有D塊水皮入面有牛油, 有D冇 請指教

有D用高根粉, 有D用普通粉


整一塊pastry 絕對係吃力不討好的工作, 唔係話付出左努力就可以得到回報

即係好似人手打蛋白咁, 你打成個鐘, 都唔代表會發得起

就算塊皮最後成功左, 世人係唔會知道佢出現背後所付出既代價

或者我整左咁耐, 就係教識左我點樣去欣賞一塊好食既puff pastry, 唔係就咁食左佢就冇左件事

突然間好多野諗, puff pastry 永遠都係配角, 但係冇左佢舊甜品就即刻收皮

puff pastry 之所以能夠成為puff pastry, 係因為佢精密既結構

大多數既甜品, 都係將材料mix到得番一樣野

但係佢唔係, 慢慢一次一次咁對摺, 令到牛油同面粉一層一層間開, 到最後焗完皮中間出現一層一層既空氣,達至鬆脆既效果

好啦吹完水, 講我點解失敗


如果你係冇咩時間既, 就真係落街買算數啦, 最基平既一塊, 請最少預留3個鐘既時間
每一次摺疊後, 一定要比舊面休息, 同埋要雪番凍佢, D牛油先唔會變左流質


點樣去用支面粉棍(佢個名係唔係咁), 其實係好大既學問, 兩隻手點樣每一下都平均用力, 將塊皮慢慢咁變番平, 大力左, D牛油會由水皮入面飛出黎, (我已經衰O係lee 樣好多次), 細細力, 又會整到佢一舊舊

O係長達3個整既整皮過整入面, 真正要落手做既, 可能係得15-20分鐘
但係O係lee15分鐘入面, 一個錯都唔可以犯, 如果唔係就冇得番轉頭, 這就是酥皮的可怕之處

最惡頂既係, 你整完塊皮, 先發現原來點樣小小心心去用塊得來不易既皮, 先係最大既難題

預告, 今日星期要再次挑戰!

Tuesday, 9 August 2011


今日咩都冇整, 講下遙遠既clotted cream

點解英國人好地地有牛油唔用, 要去發明clotted cream

其實琴日買完黎試之後, 就係cream既味(即係冇乜味) , 牛油既質地

以前D英國人整野食真係整到冇野好整, 咁鬼得閒

wiki係話佢地D奶多到唔知點用好, 就咁樣玩下玩下玩出黎

唔想次次用七十蚊既我, 想試下自己整唔整到

幾個月前, google教我用低溫焗D cream 8個鐘, 即刻放棄左

O岩O岩睇,wiki又話, clotted cream 係made by indirectly heating full-cream cow's milk using steam or a water bath and then leaving it in shallow pans to cool slowly. 

我又唔知邊度睇到個網話 waterbath 1個鐘, cool 2個鐘, 雪番12個鐘

又咁O岩屋企有就過期既cream , 就試下煲煲佢 

結果, 我相都費事影

個面頭的確係clot左層野, 但係底D cream 又仲O係流既

雪完第2日就係個面就變左堆好粉既野, 一放上熱野度就變番做liquid

食落又唔係牛油既質地, d cream 又怪怪地(唔知係唔係因為過期)

個conclusion 就係失敗啦

琴日睇多幾個教人整clotted cream既recipe. e, 人地係water bath 12個鐘wor, 唔通我之前睇錯
 痴線, 我諗一係食少D, 一係買算啦, 12個鐘你唔好玩我, 媽媽真係會鬧

另外waterbath 12個鐘應該係幾堅, 因為youtube 係搵唔到片教你整clotted cream

Monday, 8 August 2011

Scone tasting

整一樣野食, 最容易係俾自己蒙蔽, 整完出黎, 有時唔係好食就得, 究竟你同原本樣野差幾遠, 唔買番舊黎食係永遠唔知

scone既味道, 自從上次4月食完之後, 已經漸漸忘記


因為整唔到clotted cream, 要買番次睇下係點
七十蚊, 好落本

隔離 little mermaid 既scone, 7蚊, 4個28蚊, 係冇平到既


因為個scone 自己有cranberry , 所以都唔加jam 啦

因為佢好扁咁, 所以好脆, 粉又好鬆, 外面又有餅乾既感覺, wa, 我上次O個個整得好難食呀!!

應該係焗得唔夠耐, baking powder 要加得準D

仲有我都係唔明點樣整神奇既clotted cream

Sunday, 31 July 2011

English high tea #1 SCONE

為左整3層既English tea set, 而家要由scone 開始!

Scone 係英國嬸/太 最愛的下午茶點心, 一舊餅, 一杯茶, 一個下奏, 一堆廢話

開頭我以為scone 應該係世界上數一數二既肥野, 原來唔係架wor, 冇乜奶油, (比起酥皮)


睇完好多個之後, 發覺大家用既份量同材料都一樣,



1 free-range egg, beaten

整就真係好易整, 將頭4樣野倒埋一齊, 慢慢加奶(一次過加變唔到粉團, 起到一舊舊咁, 仲好痴手)


我覺得加150既奶好似係多得滯, 次次都要加D粉補獲

因為之後要用支棍碌佢, 所以一定唔可好痴, 要拍多D粉

之後搵個帽cup佢地出黎, 冇都可以用細杯仔, 不過要小心佢地會變形


呀, 佢其實要焗12-15分鐘 220度, 記得要掃蛋

雖然佢係一舊好食既野, 但係都未叫做WA出黎既好食
開頭唔知butter milk係咩, 落街睇又冇, 放棄左
而家睇番先知原來butter milk可以自己整出黎

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Hey girl 你的咖啡 沖泡得不對


18 Grams的客人,都是為了她的咖啡而來(真的嗎?)。店子有自己的咖啡豆批發公司、有開咖啡班,旺角的駐店經理Kammie更是09年首屆香港咖啡師大賽亞軍得主。這邊用尼加拉瓜、墨西哥和危地馬拉的豆做的新Blend,同樣個性十足:由蜜糖和茉莉花的香氣開始,慢慢有藍莓的氣息,至肉桂和丁香的Aftertaste,口味獨特。

我唔知呀Kammie o係唔o係度啦, 可能星期六放假都未定. 杯house coffee, 講真只可以話係唔難飲lor (lee句好openrice)

House wine就聽得多, house coffee就真係未聽過(我見識少啦), 一睇諗住應該係你覺得自己整得最勁最好飲O個杯啦, 應該一定正啦掛.....


學陳豪話, 杯野黎到咩都唔好加, 就咁整一啖先. 我話, 杯野咁都唔苦就係好野


我覺得啦, 佢D咖啡粉應該唔係太新鮮, 因為有D似我放左個幾星期既豆整出黎既味. D苦味怪怪地, 要加番少少糖先ok

如果係我沖既話,同一包豆再過多個星期就會變左涼茶味, 好神奇(所謂既 authentic herbal tea flavour) <----我真係O係英國whole food market 見過咁樣既description, 我唔會再俾你呃架啦!

開頭我expect佢係一杯espresso base 既東西, 而家佢應該算係american, 比較少油, 冇咁香.

我唔知lee一杯 係唔係就係一開頭段字O個隻, 如果係的話, 我應該一樣味都飲唔到, 講到盡都係叫有朱古力味 (定係叫可可味)

講到底, 就係如果一杯咖啡俾到你好舒服既感覺, (我唔知, 係好似訓O係D泡泡咁  hahhaa)

都係bespoke 好飲D

有好多好多早餐在這裡 - 18 Grams

題外話:週末桌球後,帶著一絲絲既缺憾,先來一個18 x 3 = 54件 McNuggets
18 x 3 = 54件 McNuggets


Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Get lost?

Seems I donno which way i should go now, the planning seems doesn't work. There's too much that cannot be think ahead. May be I should just concentrate on developing myself. =p

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

New idea

That came up during my trip. Is that possible to separate the area into a few parts, with different topics, may be by region or time-line(since it is good old days) or sth else ,
There's a special menu for each of them.
With different style of tableware.....

Is that feasible ?

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Is it my problem or wht?

How come i see some posts ther but can't leave any comment on them?

posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday, 29 May 2011

The secret of fish n chips

ha 終於得閒打下啦, 應該冇人睇架啦而家

我覺得間野點都要有番少少英國特色, 反正佢都係得roast meat 同fish n chips.
1. Micky's Cafe @ Paddington

一間typical 平民既fish n'chips, 可以見到D薯條係唔係幾好食既, 仲有D豆蓉@@, 魚就OK, 但係都唔係好脆

好多白魚都可以用黎做fish n chips, 不過多數係用cod 或者haddock, o岩o岩睇wiki話cod fish其實係瀕危魚種, 好多地方已經冇捉到, 仲裝假狗搵其實野黎扮

不過都係O個句, 好食就得啦

2.Geales @ Notting hill gate

第2間係行比較fine dining 既路線

Fish n chips 的精粹在於用炸漿包起食物既外面, 令到魚入面既水份唔會流失, 唔會乾. 就好似蒸出黎咁. 
上面既一舊cod同本時食開既樣好唔同, 唔知係佢改左定係其實traditional係咁樣, 或者用大魚就係要咁樣整. 原來cod 比haddock有味, 但係haddock又滑過cod. 好矛盾

最值得提就係佢個炸漿啦, 唔知佢點整可以咁脆, 切落去既一下好似放左個mic o係隔離咁. 
睇D煮野食既節目, 佢地係話一舊野幾脆係睇佢入面有幾多air bubbles, 所以就有所謂既加啤酒去整個漿.


Thursday, 5 May 2011

Sunday roast

黎左英國咁耐, 除左O係high school 食過2年之外就冇掂過. 今次特登搵個星期日去Pub 食

Codagon arms @ Kings road

Roast 肉真係最簡單既一件事, 買舊肉, salt n pepper 搽D油 落D herbs 塞佢入焗爐200度


Veges 就係roast potatoes 同carrot n parsnip 又係好易, 但係要整得好(好似佢咁靚)又難

Yorkshire pudding 係另一樣好British既野, 面粉同奶 炸/焗左佢

Pub food文化其實幾適合cafe, 因為佢地都係一個飲野傾計既地方, 只不過pub係佬比較多

咁樣加杯啤, 其實都可以過一個下奏

Carbonara (again) but without cream version this time

Got that from bbc recipes, it claimed to be the most tradition Carbonara, actually I doubt with that. In Italy, the same dish will be different due to location.
Using the example of Ragu ('the bolognese') [actually the word bolognese only means Bologna.] In Bologna they claimed to make the most original version, but in Modena (a city very near to it), they use cream and milk to make this dish.

However this version of carbonara is more cheesy n creamy than the one with cream, and you can actually taste the flavour of cheese. It looks a bit heavy but then could make it less heavy by reducing the stickiness of pasta(the adding water part in the link). Actually there's too much pancetta in that one I made, it was a little bit over seasoned and no cream to neutralize it. Perhaps a little bit of herbs could help. 

Thursday, 21 April 2011

field trip #1

Kowloon Bay bespoke

I was having interview at kowloon bay and suddenly recalled that the cafe was located there as well. As usual, i got lost, special thanks to cash to send me the address. Actually it is quite easy to find, just one block away from megabox, on the right from the shuttle bus stop to kowloon bay station.

It was about half five when i got there, the environment surprise me, it does worth 750k. Sorry I didn't bring my camera with me therefore it gonna be all txt in the remaining entry.

There's almost no one there, @@, probably cuz it is around 6 ppl would prefer soup than coffee.

 I ordered cappuccino ($30 large) and croissant with smoked salmon ($18), n she asked me if I want that to be reheated, = ]  good service.

There's a long table near the window with high chairs (with cushions, nice) ,

It took roughly one minute and two minute for the coffee and croissant to arrive. (as i am the only customer that should be the quickest they can do)

Taste: coffee, nice, should be more suitable for hk ppl (我會覺得佢唔夠啡但係香港人應該ok) , 都係用番中文打學咩人用英文haha, 至少一飲就知佢D野全部都係新鮮, 唔會苦

個牛角包聽聞係好好, 用唔知咩法國牛油, 咁佢又真係好食, 不過一開頭淨係俾隻叉我. 但係佢好既係, 我問佢攞刀, 之後佢送埋紙巾, 起碼留意到.




Sunday, 17 April 2011

Monday, 4 April 2011

Carbonara ~ My way

Everyone got their own way of making carbonara, and probably that's the most common dish for pasta, since it is quick and easy.

Here's my way for that,

For 1

pasta- i would perfer penne cuz it absorb more juice. but it doesn''t matter if u prefer other kind of pasta.

1/4 to half a onion, diced, fry n add tiny bit of sugar, just to caramelize the onion, until transparent

Pancetta ham or bacon, i would prefer pancetta,(special kind of italian bacon), if not just go for streaky bacon.

just add the raw bacon into the pan with cooked onion, it will be less oily cuz the onion will absorb them.
add white wine while cooking as well, (i would perfer pinto girio).

%% step for adding mushroom
mushroom is yes or no in my carbonara, just randomly chop yr mushroom, probably into 1/4 size, chop it with the stalk attached. Olive oil in hot pan, mushroom in, fry until coloured, but dun overcook it(dun let the juice to come out cuz it will make yr sauce dark n watery).
%% end

the following steps all in LOW heat

reheat the bacon and onion (and mushroom) mixture, add cream (cream need to be in low heat for better control), add milk, for amount of cream and milk i would say 5 to 1 roughly, but don't need to be precise.
Drain yr pasta, dun drain all the water away, put it into yr milk cream mixture, slowly stir it, until the juice stick to the pasta, then turn the heat off, stir a raw egg yolk in, use the remaining heat to cook it.

Final touch, pamasan cheese and a few basil leaves.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

algeria food

Mint tea

好型既台布 雖然洗好煩



hummus and fried squid
 hummus 係mashed chickpeas 幾好食, 又係點包食

以下3個都係tajin (上圖), 有雞有羊有魚,個羊好正, slow cooked in the oven for six hours after marinated, that's what we have been told
佢D汁好正, well balanced, 好多生果, 點包又係好好食, 未食過咁既味 

finish with Arabic coffee

食左咁多野1人都係廿鎊 100個好飽

個環境同decoration 十分咁緊要, 特別係有地方特式既菜