Thursday, 21 April 2011

field trip #1

Kowloon Bay bespoke

I was having interview at kowloon bay and suddenly recalled that the cafe was located there as well. As usual, i got lost, special thanks to cash to send me the address. Actually it is quite easy to find, just one block away from megabox, on the right from the shuttle bus stop to kowloon bay station.

It was about half five when i got there, the environment surprise me, it does worth 750k. Sorry I didn't bring my camera with me therefore it gonna be all txt in the remaining entry.

There's almost no one there, @@, probably cuz it is around 6 ppl would prefer soup than coffee.

 I ordered cappuccino ($30 large) and croissant with smoked salmon ($18), n she asked me if I want that to be reheated, = ]  good service.

There's a long table near the window with high chairs (with cushions, nice) ,

It took roughly one minute and two minute for the coffee and croissant to arrive. (as i am the only customer that should be the quickest they can do)

Taste: coffee, nice, should be more suitable for hk ppl (我會覺得佢唔夠啡但係香港人應該ok) , 都係用番中文打學咩人用英文haha, 至少一飲就知佢D野全部都係新鮮, 唔會苦

個牛角包聽聞係好好, 用唔知咩法國牛油, 咁佢又真係好食, 不過一開頭淨係俾隻叉我. 但係佢好既係, 我問佢攞刀, 之後佢送埋紙巾, 起碼留意到.





  1. 我諗佢牛角飽唔會自己整咖啦何

  2. 事實證明佢紅日係唔開

  3. 係由於一放假我真係太悶去到屌無撚開跟住係megabox 7-11食野

  4. 咁灰, 不過7仔都幾中學

  5. 我覺得宜家d七仔好多元化喎
