Sunday 27 March 2011

algeria food

Mint tea

好型既台布 雖然洗好煩



hummus and fried squid
 hummus 係mashed chickpeas 幾好食, 又係點包食

以下3個都係tajin (上圖), 有雞有羊有魚,個羊好正, slow cooked in the oven for six hours after marinated, that's what we have been told
佢D汁好正, well balanced, 好多生果, 點包又係好好食, 未食過咁既味 

finish with Arabic coffee

食左咁多野1人都係廿鎊 100個好飽

個環境同decoration 十分咁緊要, 特別係有地方特式既菜

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Sunday 20 March 2011

Liquid Nitrogen Ice-cream

今日去左camden town, 食野之外都係食野

就咁一條蕉加D野都賣到3鎊, 最緊要就係塊懶哂係野既蕉葉

我好似大學之後都冇食過fish&chips(因為highschool d 太垃圾)


 臨走見到, liquid nitrogen 整雪糕, 之前睇人地分子料理好興咁整 (例如fat-duck既egg and bacon 雪糕) 原理就係用liquid nitrogen 急凍雪糕, 雪糕凍就愈快D crystal 就愈少, therefore more smooth

成間野佈置到成個lab 咁, 最緊要係個個客入黎, 佢都同你解釋一次佢會做緊咩, 好好服務

著哂lap coat, 戴哂手套, 裝野都用番beaker, 配合番成件事


佢4鎊一杯, 人人都會有錯覺佢咁高科技係唔係賺得你好少, 其實佢可能分分鐘平過買個雪櫃放雪糕.

liquid nitrogen 其實平過水....幾蚊有成liter

so far都好似好perfect, 不如搬番香港做....

不過, 問題出現, 佢個texture 雖然真係比普通雪糕smooth, 但係唔會有'waaaaaaaaa, 差咁遠既'既感覺
我諗都係10-20%improvement. 搬番香港一定比人話, '車, 未又係雪糕一杯, 賣到50蚊, 番openrice寫衰你先'

所以佢開O係camden town 係有佢既理由, 去都係遊客, 或者好日都唔去一次既人, 都會抱住個即管俾你昆一次既心態, 當係試樣新野.  個個都俾佢昆到一次其實佢都好開心.


Crystal Cafe

I never went to this cafe, but saw its website on the street last time in Sheung Wan. just have a look

Saturday 19 March 2011




最緊要係蝦唔好整得太重味, 唔係就食唔到牛油果

蝦, 用鹽醃用會痴底既獲煎, 等佢燶, 就熟加少少檸檬汁同白酒

拎番D蝦出黎, 用酒洗番隻獲D燶野出黎, 慢火加牛油果加cream, 撈番意粉撈蝦就吃得


O個日聽jamie oliver 話意大利人食意粉係唔會痴埋, 應該係lose 既..


French Apple Tart/Tarte aux Pommes

Reference 1:
Reference 2:


個皮唔知做咩唔脆, 諗住焗耐D, 上面都燶埋, 之前有一陣佢幾靚的
個面唔難搞, 只係考刀功, 慢慢切就冇事

同埋下次買D甜D既蘋果, 英國d cooking apple酸到死, 加番一倍糖都係酸

(其實係好大既問題, 第時整野, 我而家用英國料, 番香港用唔同料個味會唔同, 要重新搵過!)



Friday 18 March 2011


Ho chi it's not to gd to hv a double shot espesso empty stomach in the morning. But I dun really like latte (好奶), and usually mocha too sweet, macchiato too sweet i dunno wht to I dunno wht to drink everytime I walk into a cafe in the early morning LOL. Anyways, I'm sitting in Caffe Habitu rite now, hving a grande latte, and I always feels like HK's grande is small LOL. I used to hv really grande's grande in Seattle u know. And this latte really so rich of milk flavor. Where's the coffee? Gonna go to the briefing session of my 4 days temp job as an event helper in Wan Chai convention centre. Cheers.

posted from Bloggeroid

Thursday 17 March 2011

Not 100% relevant case study


呢個唔係main pt., main pt 係佢有d成本allocation,我地可以參考下.

The world of pasta

Friday 11 March 2011

Trifle Attempt #2

Jelly &cake layer
Custard layer added
Cream layer
好明顯cream o個層失手


而家知啦, 係好好味

Wednesday 9 March 2011

basic basil tomato pasta

get the basic done first

perfect match for basil and tomato. tasted so original, basic. But the problem for tomato is that always cant really extract the perfume and taste out of it, especially when it is overcooked, all the taste will gone! probably roasted it before put it in?

but then the spaghetti wouldn't get enough juice......

any idea?

Monday 7 March 2011

Sudden inspiration

三分鐘  豆腐變蛋糕

My father showed me this video this morning (he never buy newspaper just check 蘋果動新聞 everyday), reminds me we can do a "soft marketing" approach. Let's say we have our cafe opened we can establish our own blog; send out press release or volunteer as one of the blog writer (if there's any f&b blog famous in hk) so we kinda upload receipes/tutorial to the blog not necessarily stating our cafe's name, just like those bloggers in . I know it's kinda early to talk abt this but just wanna share this with you guys when I still remember LOL

Commencement Speech at Stanford Given by Steve Jobs (2005)

I personally dun really like Apple products (despite the fact I have a 1st Gen iPod Touch), but I do like Pixar's animation. LOL

Watch it when you guys have time!
And Here's the link of its transcript

鏗鏘集 3月7日.

Talks abt operation of 2 different Michelin 1-star restaurant , the difficulties of maintaining quality and the change after opening a branch. Dunno if I can find a seed will put it on here if I can find one. I think it's gd for obtaining experience and stuff.


posted from Bloggeroid

Saturday 5 March 2011

Simple Pancakes

Breakfast Menu

Pancakes with jam

Real simple one copied from jamie oliver,

A cup of flour(plain),same amount of milk, some salt, 1 egg, pinch of baking powder(not needed when using self raising flour) .

I tired to add some coffee powder in it to see if there's any difference, nothing special this time, should be more generous the next time.

Mix them all together, cook it on low heat, with some butter.

Serve with jam (leftover blueberry jam from making cheesecake last time, like months ago)

Friday 4 March 2011


Next on, trifle

Trifle was an old traditional dessert from England.

made from thick (or often solidified) custard, fruit, sponge cake, fruit juice or gelatin, and whipped cream.

 something like that.....

anyways, gonna work on the layers next week.

Hopefully i could get something like above

First Attemp

ho ugly hahaa

Just try

I was quite free since 2011, got a feeling that I should try to make as much as I could to get more experiences. Before going to some professional training.
a good website to learn from

Tuesday 1 March 2011


was following Gordon ramsay 's
不過我O個個跌番落黎, D蛋白未set, 太心急

我未食過都唔知係唔係咁. 好似食緊泡


homemade pasta

唔知痴左咩根, 手整pasta. the worst ever thing I ever made hahahaha
but the avocado sauce was  quite gd thou