Been stopped for 2 days, lets call it weekend effect, but i am not giving up on this!
Probably using real case to analyse would be an good idea.
so far I got 2 in hand, -owl our wonderland, tst , hk
piece of cake ,台北
Just case 1 for now
自己去過2次對上一次同hoffman and cash去
地點: 尖沙咀金馬倫道5號太興廣場5樓 就係通利對出個度, 都算入左少少橫街, 其實冇咩人流
點搵番黎: openrice sort $100-150 既意大利野第一位
要訂位, 好似成日會fully book
價錢: 食個小食意粉加杯野要百五倒
positioning: target 年青人同番工人
食物: Italian style, 係O係香港見過比較 認真意大利野既cafe, 意粉較為正宗, pizza用thin crust topping 易都係簡單既風格,但係小食會出現炸芝士/雞翼.
服務: 很ok, waiter 算係orgarinze , 唔會太煩或者叫極都叫唔到
短評:其實佢比較著重餐廳既路線, 冇一批O係度坐成晚既人, 但係會O係野食上令到你再番去搵佢. (但係好似唔係幾maintain到, 近幾個openrice 既評語都比較差) 唔知係唔係因為D租貴到去焗住O係野食度cut.
Actually do we want a cafe or a restaurant? a bit confused...
ReplyDeletea proper cafe would be a cafe that serves lots of coffee and cake and some hot dishes for lunch and dinner...
A restaurant is a restaurant and it's a bit different and beyond our scope (ability)....
i know, it will not be a proper restaurant. that gotta be a cafe(as title), but just a bit different
ReplyDelete2ndly i think openrice's comments are always a bit biased... not neutral enough.....