Monday, 28 February 2011

Location reseach

It is pretty much all about the location,

How and what to do the research on location

First we should narrow it down to a couple of locations, and then do data collection continuously.

On rent, target customers, flow of customers, competitors
  • field experience
  • online (地產, openrice)
so far those are the things I could think about, probably when I started it more will come.

Lets start with 九龍灣 and 觀塘 first.


  1. Hong Kong Commercial units:
    Hong Kong Residential units:
    Hong Kong Commercial units (again!?):

    here are some numbers of mailbox/door delivery(no. of companies), I know it's not the most updated one, but hopefully it can still give us an idea of where exactly within the area all the companies are located.

    What abt those regions of trading companies concentrated?

  2. btw, all the above docs can be found in our google docs.

  3. I'm thinking Island East like Quarry Bay area

  4. I'll do research on Island east like quarry bay and Taikoo area.

    I know it's not fun doing research so i'm thinking wht abt a field trip once a month to visit the cafe in the targeted area?

