Monday, 28 February 2011

Location reseach

It is pretty much all about the location,

How and what to do the research on location

First we should narrow it down to a couple of locations, and then do data collection continuously.

On rent, target customers, flow of customers, competitors
  • field experience
  • online (地產, openrice)
so far those are the things I could think about, probably when I started it more will come.

Lets start with 九龍灣 and 觀塘 first.

Saturday, 26 February 2011


if I know my destination, then y still wasting time on the wrong way, why?

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Follow on the cafe below

  • 佢係咖啡店, 攻D番工人, 人流好緊要
  • 成棟寫字樓棟O係對面同樓上
  • 租真係堅平
  • 同一條街15蚊一呎租 2000呎3萬, 我估佢個位應該會貴DD(20-30)  source: 中原工商鋪 2010 June
  • 主打咖啡, 有個牛角包, 都係40蚊 行高級路線唔算太貴, 你starbucks 一杯糖水都要30啦
  • 飲慣左starbucks, 即溶....突然飲一杯好咖啡個反差太犀利, 一定留得到客
  • 飲過一杯好咖啡永遠會記得係點 (我係咁=p)
  • 如果我地係要用野食/蛋糕, 個impact一定冇咁大
  • 感覺上唔會有太多人坐死O係度, 應該係飲完就番去開工咁 風格上同我想要有D唔同, 不過如果位置O岩早餐可以咁做
  • 開業四個月已收支平衡, 佢係唔係痴線
  • 七十五萬裝修和設置爐具 (budget 度可以留意)
  • 好鬼亂!

一定要去field trip, 勁值得去参考

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Everyone please read this!

用心調校港人口味 工廠區咖啡店休閒之選


九龍灣工廠區商業大廈林立,卻傳來陣陣咖啡香。上班一族都不禁停下腳步,呷一口咖啡,迎接醒神的一天。曾勇奪英國Starbucks Coffee Master比賽亞軍的Jonathan,十多歲到英國留學,對咖啡一試即愛,大學時期更在倫敦大大小小的咖啡店工作,畢業後決定投身咖啡界,至今已有十年沖咖啡和管理咖啡店的經驗。前年他回流返港,開設首間工廠區咖啡店,化身咖啡王子,將他在倫敦感受到的咖啡文化帶給香港人。









本文摘自2011年1月21日 《星島日報》A19每日雜誌


Sunday, 20 February 2011

further on the menu

suggestion from hoffman that we can add photos for the cakes on menu. (especially for people couldn't make the decision)

John : extend that a little bit, like we may make a little display cupboard to put the cake of the day. 好似去茶樓睇魚咁 =p

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Opening Time

opening time is another big problem,
in 5 years?
how long are we going to wait until we got the money and kept the dream.

5年後, 其實大家都接近三張, 好恐佈

一係唔理幾多年, 儲夠錢, 就開鬼左佢, 試玩一年得就得唔得就算


Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Together Cafe

Sitting in a tiny cafe in Sai Kung rite now with my father. Umum...maybe Sai Kung is good place too...but the food here is...just like normal restaurant...and the coffee...taste like Chinese herbal tea and no coffee heung. End of report. Cash

posted from Bloggeroid

Friday, 11 February 2011


整左個好taste/effort ratio 好高既汁

豬排, 是但拍,切,  加豉油糖胡椒生粉撈, 熱定個獲

炒, 大火一陣封面之後中火

倒罐茄入去, 加bay leaf, 幾粒garlic, O急汁, 茄汁, 糖




Wednesday, 9 February 2011

More on location

Summing up the previous posts.

  • location related to target customer
  • related to scale
  • can reputation and promotion get around the problem of location?
2 cases here:

1. 旺位, 有人流
  • 貴租  (Q1. 其實有幾貴)
  • 可能要做到死先交到租
  • 即係要間野大D, 先有多D人食
  • 可能就算多人都係蝕
  • 蝕唔夠幾個月就玩唔到
In conclusion , this is gambling. 定係我太悲觀

2. 一個爛位
  • 可能係樓上
  • 可能係工廠
  • 一開冇人知
  • openrice/facebook 做promote
  • 靠word of mouth
  • 租冇咁貴, 就算開頭蝕都頂到一陣 (Q2. 同貴租差幾遠)
  • 冇咁忙, 唔駛賣埋早餐
我個人比較prefer lee個, 我堅信D野好就點都有人黎

but condition applied
  • 個location 唔係爛到要揸車先到到
  • 近地鐵其實都應該會有平位(Q.3 example)
Time to do some research. Is there anything I missed out?? 


from cash:

1. Location
2. Target opening time
3. Research on potential location
4. 裝修 (John: probably more like theme?, style?)

from mike:


from john:

1.operation plan member
3.scale (should be different scenario)
4.risk and return

any more??

Tuesday, 8 February 2011


頭先焗蛋糕,燒著左佢 ,張焗爐燒著左, 應該係放入去O個下high 到個頂

情急下拎佢出黎, 手指公個較又掂到同一個位, D皮冇哂


Saturday, 5 February 2011

First entry in Feb

Hey happy new year for everyone.

Had been quite a bit of time since the last one, I was lazy, =p.

Been reviewing the entries in Jan, we got like 16 of them at least, was quite an achievement , from the previous experience. like stopped from the second? LOL

Just hang in there and dun give up!

Is there any more systematic way we would make this progress?
kinda feel like we were sketching and there weren't a real starting and ending point.

btw, I agreed with cash's comment on the last post, life can be just as easy as that, sunshine, good book, good coffee. building a little place that could peel of the pressure, enjoy your life(as least for that moment) would be something very ideal.

So here comes the second question, is there any way we could achieve this, in a more practical way? Such as transform that thought to a theme or sth like that.

Actually I donno what I am saying, =p.