Sunday, 29 May 2011

The secret of fish n chips

ha 終於得閒打下啦, 應該冇人睇架啦而家

我覺得間野點都要有番少少英國特色, 反正佢都係得roast meat 同fish n chips.
1. Micky's Cafe @ Paddington

一間typical 平民既fish n'chips, 可以見到D薯條係唔係幾好食既, 仲有D豆蓉@@, 魚就OK, 但係都唔係好脆

好多白魚都可以用黎做fish n chips, 不過多數係用cod 或者haddock, o岩o岩睇wiki話cod fish其實係瀕危魚種, 好多地方已經冇捉到, 仲裝假狗搵其實野黎扮

不過都係O個句, 好食就得啦

2.Geales @ Notting hill gate

第2間係行比較fine dining 既路線

Fish n chips 的精粹在於用炸漿包起食物既外面, 令到魚入面既水份唔會流失, 唔會乾. 就好似蒸出黎咁. 
上面既一舊cod同本時食開既樣好唔同, 唔知係佢改左定係其實traditional係咁樣, 或者用大魚就係要咁樣整. 原來cod 比haddock有味, 但係haddock又滑過cod. 好矛盾

最值得提就係佢個炸漿啦, 唔知佢點整可以咁脆, 切落去既一下好似放左個mic o係隔離咁. 
睇D煮野食既節目, 佢地係話一舊野幾脆係睇佢入面有幾多air bubbles, 所以就有所謂既加啤酒去整個漿.


Thursday, 5 May 2011

Sunday roast

黎左英國咁耐, 除左O係high school 食過2年之外就冇掂過. 今次特登搵個星期日去Pub 食

Codagon arms @ Kings road

Roast 肉真係最簡單既一件事, 買舊肉, salt n pepper 搽D油 落D herbs 塞佢入焗爐200度


Veges 就係roast potatoes 同carrot n parsnip 又係好易, 但係要整得好(好似佢咁靚)又難

Yorkshire pudding 係另一樣好British既野, 面粉同奶 炸/焗左佢

Pub food文化其實幾適合cafe, 因為佢地都係一個飲野傾計既地方, 只不過pub係佬比較多

咁樣加杯啤, 其實都可以過一個下奏

Carbonara (again) but without cream version this time

Got that from bbc recipes, it claimed to be the most tradition Carbonara, actually I doubt with that. In Italy, the same dish will be different due to location.
Using the example of Ragu ('the bolognese') [actually the word bolognese only means Bologna.] In Bologna they claimed to make the most original version, but in Modena (a city very near to it), they use cream and milk to make this dish.

However this version of carbonara is more cheesy n creamy than the one with cream, and you can actually taste the flavour of cheese. It looks a bit heavy but then could make it less heavy by reducing the stickiness of pasta(the adding water part in the link). Actually there's too much pancetta in that one I made, it was a little bit over seasoned and no cream to neutralize it. Perhaps a little bit of herbs could help.