Wednesday, 29 February 2012



1.打蛋糕隻蛋原來唔可以凍既, 要O係室溫打, 如果唔係會打唔起

2.打cream如果要打得起, 一定要夠凍


做乜事都係打起一樣野, lee樣要凍O個樣要熱

完, 完全唔關個topic事

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Lemon tart

It is still in the oven......

it's out now, but I think it might not just set.

yessssssss, i am right, the first attempt, .......

中間未set , 睇電視話, 一路check住中間個溫度, 70度拎番出黎就O岩O岩好

或者我個溫度計唔準啦, 個邊邊就好, 中間就唔得
仲有個皮都係, 未焗得夠

第2次, 今次扮蛋撻, 細個D易控制, 個皮今次好正.

Recipe tbc

My garden

Started to plant my own herb after coming back from the UK last October.

Parsley, a month old 

Sage, 2 month old

Basil, starting wilting may be its not summer.
Rosemary, the one is more than 10 years old!
I start planting it since the first time back from the uk, which is like 15 years ago i think.
Except the rosemary, I haven't tried to put them in my dishes. Parsley should go with chicken, for sage i have no clue, basil is gd for everything like you can put it in any pasta dishes. The rosemary could go into pumpkin soup, flavour yr lamb or steak, stuff it in an Italian bread whatever.

Getting excited form how quick they grow, and how easy they could die. =p

Credits to the show "jamie at home" and his enormous garden. 

Sunday, 19 February 2012


估下隻碗幾$, lee d 懶係野既碗, 我以為會好貴啦, 琴日係經過深水埗, 係東京街轉角位發現一D叫"夜冷"既鋪頭



$10 一隻 lor!

marketing 既同事請跟進

Tuesday, 14 February 2012



1kg flour, 30g yeast 30g salt 30 g sugar.

tepid water (整包會用的terms, 即係一份滾水加兩份凍水), 其實就係暖水. 加入yeast, 加糖.

之後就倒入面粉, 搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓



整平佢, 上面加浸過garlic 浸過既油, 再放O係盤(記得個底要加D粉, 唔係拎唔番出黎)發發發發發發發發發發發發發發又發半個鐘

即刻200度焗佢3個字, check住唔好俾佢燶啦當然

相係加左sun dried tomato, 唔知係浸唔夠耐定點, 太咸.