For 50 2-3 inches cookies
Flour (low protein) 300g-350g
Butter 140g
Brown Sugar/Dark Sugar 80g (dont use white sugar!!!)
Honey 1 table spoon
Egg (whole) 2
Cinnamon powder 2 tea spoons
Ginger powder 2 tea spoons to 4 tea spoons (depends how gingery you want)
Cloves powder 1 tea spoon
Method :
1.Soften butter in room temperature, then cream the butter with hand blender, then add-in sugar, until all sugar dissolved.
2. Add eggs to "1" bits by bits, until all well mixed. Then add honey, until well mixed.
3. sieve all the dry ingredients(flour,Cinnamon powder, Ginger powder, cloves powder and a pinch of salt) into a big bowl.
4. Add "3" into "2" then mix with hands. until a dough form (5 mins at most, or biscuits would become rock), it shouldn't be too sticky. (Add some flour if needed)
5.Roll out the dough in a plastic bag until a 0.3-0.5 cm thick sheet formed. Then put it in fridge to rest for 30 minutes.
6. cut the plastic bag and take the dough out, cut it into desire shape.
7. preheat the oven to 150 degree C. then bake it for 10-12 minutes.
8. Cool down on rack.
1 egg white
120 icing sugar
few drops of lemon juice
1. Beat the egg whites until small bubbles form, then add lemon juice and half of the icing sugar.
2. Continue beating and add the remaining icing sugar, until the mixture become very very thick and would not drip even filp the bowl over.
3. Add food colouring. 1 drop of food colouring for each table spoon icing.
Sunday, 23 December 2012
Sunday, 13 May 2012
對gnocchi 的認識,
其實就係薯粉撈面粉, 整個sauce上去, 估計o係以前D窮人食物, 咁多粉, 一定好飽
睇wiki, 佢話其實gnocchi可以由好多野整出黎, 例如芝士, 薯仔, 面包糠
用薯仔係十六世紀當歐洲有薯仔既時候, 先有人無啦啦諗出黎.
我O個日見到包發哂芽既蕃薯, 就O係度諗不如整左佢, 無啦啦諗不如整下 蕃薯gnocchi
之後就搵書睇啦, 原來jamie oilver有教, 就照抄佢, 將所有用薯仔既地方變哂做蕃薯.
1. Bake , 開盡焗爐220度, 洗乾淨薯仔, 用叉係咁吉佢, 搽olive oil o係面, bake for an hour until soft inside and crispy outside, <--- that's for medium size potato, for me, those sweet potatos are like half size of it, so I did it for 30 mins.
It smells nice.

then let it cool down a bit, the cut it in half , scoop the flesh out. And smash it!
for the skins, i just chuck them away, but probably , just probably, I think we could drop them into 100 ml milk, let the flavour infuse into the milk.<---- knowledge from heston.
then season the smash, n add a little bit nutmeg, (i dun have nutmeg, I used cinnamon, maybe it is better for sweet potatos, who knows. )

Then add half of an egg yolk, and a few handful of flour to try to bind the mash. Until something like the above. Until it is not too wet or not too dry. and not sticky. Just feel it.

then roll it out to sticks, then chop them into little boxes, reli small one will do. Test it by dropping it into boiling water, see if it falls apart.

Fridge them for 10 to 20 mins to set
Then i start thinking what sauce will be a good choice. First thing in my mind was never a cheese sauce, may be some herbs. Then finally came up with this. Porcini mushrooms and sage. LOL. IT DOESNT WORK AT ALL. 1.may be i put too much salt. 2.doesn't match.

This was a disaster. End of story...
Not yet. .....
The next day, I came up with another sauce. Apple sauce.
I pureed an apple and cooked it. Until soft, adding a little bit of cinnamon. This time it works, at least it tastes nice. However it looks bad and plain.
Further improvement: May be , may be some slice/dice of duck, could push that to another level.
Cuz duck and apple are friends. Apple ,cinnamon and sweet potato are too.
其實就係薯粉撈面粉, 整個sauce上去, 估計o係以前D窮人食物, 咁多粉, 一定好飽
睇wiki, 佢話其實gnocchi可以由好多野整出黎, 例如芝士, 薯仔, 面包糠
用薯仔係十六世紀當歐洲有薯仔既時候, 先有人無啦啦諗出黎.
我O個日見到包發哂芽既蕃薯, 就O係度諗不如整左佢, 無啦啦諗不如整下 蕃薯gnocchi
之後就搵書睇啦, 原來jamie oilver有教, 就照抄佢, 將所有用薯仔既地方變哂做蕃薯.
1. Bake , 開盡焗爐220度, 洗乾淨薯仔, 用叉係咁吉佢, 搽olive oil o係面, bake for an hour until soft inside and crispy outside, <--- that's for medium size potato, for me, those sweet potatos are like half size of it, so I did it for 30 mins.
It smells nice.

then let it cool down a bit, the cut it in half , scoop the flesh out. And smash it!
for the skins, i just chuck them away, but probably , just probably, I think we could drop them into 100 ml milk, let the flavour infuse into the milk.<---- knowledge from heston.
then season the smash, n add a little bit nutmeg, (i dun have nutmeg, I used cinnamon, maybe it is better for sweet potatos, who knows. )

Then add half of an egg yolk, and a few handful of flour to try to bind the mash. Until something like the above. Until it is not too wet or not too dry. and not sticky. Just feel it.

then roll it out to sticks, then chop them into little boxes, reli small one will do. Test it by dropping it into boiling water, see if it falls apart.

Fridge them for 10 to 20 mins to set
Then i start thinking what sauce will be a good choice. First thing in my mind was never a cheese sauce, may be some herbs. Then finally came up with this. Porcini mushrooms and sage. LOL. IT DOESNT WORK AT ALL. 1.may be i put too much salt. 2.doesn't match.

This was a disaster. End of story...
Not yet. .....
The next day, I came up with another sauce. Apple sauce.
I pureed an apple and cooked it. Until soft, adding a little bit of cinnamon. This time it works, at least it tastes nice. However it looks bad and plain.
Further improvement: May be , may be some slice/dice of duck, could push that to another level.
Cuz duck and apple are friends. Apple ,cinnamon and sweet potato are too.
Friday, 11 May 2012
Sunday, 6 May 2012
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Apple cake ...其實係叫 Quater-Quarts Aux Pommes
學法文時間, Pommes係蘋果 , 完
O係屋企搵到一本法國藍帶基本入門, 入面有lee個蛋糕
整焦糖蘋果, 一個蘋果切8份, 去芯. 另外一邊用50牛油煮70g糖, (用牛油係因為D糖會慢D燶).
溶左放入蘋果, 煮煮煮, 煮到牙簽一下吉得入. 拎出黎攤.
佢用左膨脹麵糊(Pate Battue-poussee), 主要就係牛油同糖先拌勻(直到溶哂冇糖粒) ,加salt, 加蛋(如果蛋太凍要慢慢加, 如果唔係會分開 <--- 油同水分開, 如果見到分開緊, 唔駛驚, 即刻放一匙面粉入去, 應該就會合得番一齊, 詳見再加牛奶 又係完全混合之後, 最後加哂所有粉整到個面糊咁.
低粉100, 牛油100, 糖100,蛋2隻(糖呢就兩茶匙, 仲要加D橙皮tim,<-- 人地係雞蛋6隻wor), 20g牛奶, 5g baking powder.
準備一個冇穿既焗爐兜, 用牛油搽下個邊, 沾糖上去<-- 防止你拎唔番個cake出黎, 鋪蘋果O係底, 倒焦糖O係面, 最後用個面糊封起所有野.
160度焗, depends個野幾大焗幾耐, 大概十分鐘check一次, 吉支牙簽入去, 出番黎冇野痴住就係OK. 焗好左反番轉佢, 就好似下面咁.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012
Saved Links
Hokahoka獨門意菜 Fusion松露軟心蛋粗獷美菜大啖肉 Factory 99食晏錦囊
Le paradis
Rondavy's Artisan Kitchen
Unar Coffee Company
工廈平歎靚菜 清新澳洲Cafe
高質西餅大激鬥 |
清甜鮮香 雞湯拉麵
登門造訪 吃一頓丹麥住家飯
新麵貌 慢煮Noodles Bar
Thursday, 22 March 2012
The Bucket List
Anyway we can share the list we saved?
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Salt:Sugar = 1:2
Lemon Zest
Orange Zest
Plastic Wrap
Fridge for 2 days
Salt:Sugar = 1:2
Lemon Zest
Orange Zest
Plastic Wrap
Fridge for 2 days
Case Study,
self development
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Sunday, 11 March 2012
No Bullshit, photos first!
I will do the bullshit
appetizer, from left to right, beef tenderloin with mango($: I believe it's peach)?
middle mushroom, right salmon salad
coffee before dinner-caffe macchiato
Gnocchi with cheese n snail how to pronounce
Lamb Rack
Blue berry cheese cake
just cheese cake?
Gonna try this one next time?
Case Study,
Main Course,
Saturday, 10 March 2012
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
1.打蛋糕隻蛋原來唔可以凍既, 要O係室溫打, 如果唔係會打唔起
2.打cream如果要打得起, 一定要夠凍
做乜事都係打起一樣野, lee樣要凍O個樣要熱
完, 完全唔關個topic事
1.打蛋糕隻蛋原來唔可以凍既, 要O係室溫打, 如果唔係會打唔起
2.打cream如果要打得起, 一定要夠凍
做乜事都係打起一樣野, lee樣要凍O個樣要熱
完, 完全唔關個topic事
Saturday, 25 February 2012
Lemon tart
It is still in the oven......
it's out now, but I think it might not just set.
yessssssss, i am right, the first attempt, .......
中間未set , 睇電視話, 一路check住中間個溫度, 70度拎番出黎就O岩O岩好
或者我個溫度計唔準啦, 個邊邊就好, 中間就唔得
仲有個皮都係, 未焗得夠
第2次, 今次扮蛋撻, 細個D易控制, 個皮今次好正.
Recipe tbc
it's out now, but I think it might not just set.
yessssssss, i am right, the first attempt, .......
中間未set , 睇電視話, 一路check住中間個溫度, 70度拎番出黎就O岩O岩好
或者我個溫度計唔準啦, 個邊邊就好, 中間就唔得
仲有個皮都係, 未焗得夠
第2次, 今次扮蛋撻, 細個D易控制, 個皮今次好正.
Recipe tbc
My garden
Started to plant my own herb after coming back from the UK last October.
Parsley, a month old |
Sage, 2 month old |
Basil, starting wilting may be its not summer. |
Rosemary, the one is more than 10 years old! I start planting it since the first time back from the uk, which is like 15 years ago i think. |
Getting excited form how quick they grow, and how easy they could die. =p
Credits to the show "jamie at home" and his enormous garden.
Sunday, 19 February 2012
估下隻碗幾$, lee d 懶係野既碗, 我以為會好貴啦, 琴日係經過深水埗, 係東京街轉角位發現一D叫"夜冷"既鋪頭
$10 一隻 lor!
marketing 既同事請跟進
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
1kg flour, 30g yeast 30g salt 30 g sugar.
tepid water (整包會用的terms, 即係一份滾水加兩份凍水), 其實就係暖水. 加入yeast, 加糖.
之後就倒入面粉, 搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓搓
整平佢, 上面加浸過garlic 浸過既油, 再放O係盤(記得個底要加D粉, 唔係拎唔番出黎)發發發發發發發發發發發發發發又發半個鐘
即刻200度焗佢3個字, check住唔好俾佢燶啦當然
相係加左sun dried tomato, 唔知係浸唔夠耐定點, 太咸.
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