Wednesday, 28 September 2011

The never fail brownies

May be it is one of the easiest thing to make, and would never fail, unless you push this too far

Traditional Brownies

Dark chocolate 250g and BUTTER 150g in the same bowl and steam until melted on low heat.

Another bowl, beat 4 eggs with 160g sugar (roughly), stir in 60g flour, and then may be some coco powder 2 or 3 table spoon(optional), but then needa add a little bit more sugar if coco powder added. just beat them with a balloon, then pour the chocolate mixture into it, mix it well and bake at 190 degree.

Cant reli tell how long you should bake it, depends how thick you want it to be, for 2 cm tall brownies, 10 minutes in the oven should be enough, if you are not sure it could always be tested it will a toothpick, the same old thing, if it doesn't stick to it, then it is done.

Nuts could be added to the brownies, but remember to lightly roast it (and coat it with honey) before put into the mixture.

Better to chill it before serve, could be serve with clotted cream, or mascaprone cream.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Coffee cupping class

Venue: Cafe habitu, or cafe 白必圖

事源番工好拿悶既時候, 見到YAHOO style 文章 唐樓上的意式咖啡學院

神心地報左星期日晨咁早既mini cupping class


我第一個到, 樓上一個人都冇, 冇野做影下相



上堂人齊都人六個人, 其實幾O岩一堆朋友包左一班自己上, 可能仲會比較放D同比較敢問問題

成個地方就係一個人講, 一個O係後面準備咖啡

首先又係簡單介紹下, cupping就好似人地去試紅酒咁, 用最簡單既方法去沖一杯咖啡, 通常都係會用french press, 因為french press is no more then 將D粉浸熱水之後等等等, cupping 主要係可以由幾個方面去分析一杯咖啡, 分別係

  • BODY


  1. Latin America
  2. Asia Pacific
  3. Africa
同一個產區既豆就好似同一個呀媽咁, 會有佢地既基本特性, 但係同一個呀媽生D仔都可以唔同樣, 分別受環境呀種植方法O個D影響, 所以呢, 要講到咁, 就可以話lee個世界係唔會有2杯相同既咖啡 (er, 都唔係既你沖左一杯之後倒開兩杯未得lor)

cupping 既次序都好緊要, 就好似食野咁, 由淡味食到重味
最淡既係 latin america -->asia pacific -->africa

先飲 costa rica, 由聞開始, 成日聽到D人講咩花香, 泥土, smoky. 其實唔係真係聞到O個一樣既味, 只係一種感覺, 例如花香咁, 唔係真係有花味, 其實只係一種淡淡地, 清新既感覺 (都唔知作出黎D人諗咩,係唔係用黎昆人,等D人以為自己個鼻真係咁差)

Aroma example

  • 花香--> Refreshing
  • Smoky-->煲燶左, 有煙呀!!! 
  • Earthy --> 就好似食泥咁lor, 泥土味ma

聞完之後就係slurp, 即係輕輕咁sip 一下, 點解, 因為你杯野仲係好熱

Body就係O個一啖O係條利既感覺, 可以係light/heavy, 其實就係淡/濃既簡單D講

Acidity就係酸度lor, 又唔係擺凍左O個隻(擺凍左乜都酸, 因為咖啡入面有丹寧酸,放得耐就會愈黎愈多你就覺得杯野好難飲, ) 係佢自己本身

acidity 又有可能會俾AROMA 影響到, 例如如果係比較smoky 既, 明明係同一樣酸飲落會覺得冇咁出. 特別一提就係asia pacific 既豆通常酸度都係好低

Flavour 就係一啖O拍落去o係喉嚨feel到既味道  同aroma一樣 D名又係昆人


  • 朱古力(仲有得分milk同dark) -->其實又係感覺 (sweet, smooth, sticky)
  • Nuts -->所謂既nutty flavour, 通常aroma smoky就會中
  • Herbs -->涼茶味

最後就係After-taste, 就係D味可以留到O係個口度幾耐, 通常都係同杯咖啡body有關, strong d既通常就會留得耐, 但係奇怪既係今日試左杯 Uganda- africa, africa豆after-taste應該係會比較長,但佢係完全一飲完個味就唔見左, 好神奇


Sunday, 4 September 2011


Suddenly hv a thought,,,,,what about "Lazy" or "The Lazy" as our cafe's name LOLLLLLLLLL.....